View the full agenda package for Council
The Town of Pelham regular council meeting was held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the Pelham municipal building at 20 Pelham Town Hall. Video recording and live stream of the meeting can be viewed at
Lincoln Pelham Public Library (LPPL)
Council received a presentation from Lincoln Pelham Public Library was provided to Council by Julie Andrews, CEO, Amy Guilmette, Director of Customer Experience and Susan DiBattista, Director of Community Engagement. The presentation included highlights of activities that occurred during the past year including the 63%increase in visits to the libraries, 21% circulation requests and a 37% increase in programs. Library programs offered include early literacy, steam, makers space, art, tween/teen, adult and intergenerational programming. The Library of Things has continued to expand to offer unique items available to residents to borrow, including a telescope and Lego sets. The LPPL presented their first strategic plan for 2023-2027 that will guide the decision-making of the board and included the newly established mission and vision. The four pillars include inspiration, inclusivity, resiliency and responsiveness. In 2024, capital fundraising campaigns will take place to support renovations at two of the LPPL branches, including the Fonthill branch in Pelham.
Environmental and Climate Adaptation Advisory Committee
Council received a presentation from Jackie Oblack, the chair of the Environmental and Climate Adaptation Advisory Committee. The advisory committee has developed a work plan that highlights areas such as communications, infrastructure, land use planning, emergency preparedness, incorporation of responses to climate impacts into policy and procedures, and community-facing adaptation/environment protection and restoration projects. The advisory committee was established in 2023 with the purpose of providing input and perspective on matters related to Environmental and Climate Change issues and potential adaptations that impact the Town of Pelham. Applications for volunteer members are being accepted and additional information can be found at
FACS Niagara Foundation - LemonAID Day 2024
Council received correspondence from Caroline Polgrabia, President of Family and Children Services Niagara Foundation, regarding the 3rd Annual Mountainview LemonAID Day taking place Saturday, June 8, 2024, around the Niagara Region. The LemonAid Day will take place with 100 pop-up stands across the region. All materials to run the stands will be provided and 100% of the proceeds will be directed to support youth in Niagara to experience summer camp. FACS requested support from the municipality to provide awareness of LemonAID Day and encourage local youth, residents and businesses to participate in the event. Additional information and registration details are available online at
Proposed By-law to Regulate Parks and Implement Pilot Project for Personal Alcohol Consumption in Peace Park
Council received Report # 2024-0085 Proposed By-law to Regulate Parks and Implement Pilot Project for Personal Alcohol Consumption in Peace Park. In November 2023, Council provided direction to replace two existing by-laws that address the possession of alcohol in municipal parks with a single by-law to regulate park activities, including alcohol use. The proposed by-law sets conditions for entry to any park or recreational area, identifies conduct that is prohibited at all locations and specifies activities in parks and recreational activities that require the permission or authorization of the Town or other applicable authority. The proposed by-law also regulates the presence of animals, motor vehicles and bicycles in parks and sets rules for sporting activities. The exception being when the Town has a licenced event in the park, no personal alcohol consumption is permitted.
East Fenwick Secondary Plan
Council received report #2024-0091, East Fenwick Secondary Plan (Official Plan Amendment No. 21) AND directed Planning Staff to prepare the by-law for approval of the East Fenwick Secondary Plan. The Fenwick Secondary Plan has been developed over several years by the Town with input from the public and landowners and technical advice from the Town, the Niagara Region and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. The Fenwick Secondary Plan was developed in several phases and includes the area generally bounded by Balfour Street to the west, Welland Road to the south, Cream Street to the east and Memorial Drive to the north. The East Fenwick Secondary Plan is a statutory document that will guide future development in the East Fenwick area. The Secondary Plan balances protection of the natural heritage system with support for the residential growth of Fenwick.
Park Place West
Council received report #2024-0087 - Recommendation Report – Applications for Revision to Previously Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision & Zoning By-law Amendment – Park Place West, and directed Planning staff to prepare the necessary Zoning By-law amendment for Council consideration at the next Regular Meeting of Council. The revision will result in an additional 15 lots for single detached dwellings, a reduction of 1 block for 2 semi-detached dwellings and the addition of 1 block for 6 street townhouse dwellings. This represents an increase of 19 units from the approved draft plan of subdivision. The applicant is requesting smaller lot sizes and frontages for single detached dwellings to reflect changes in the housing market and allow for more affordability. The density of the development provides for the efficient use of land and planned/existing infrastructure that minimizes land consumption and costs of servicing. The lands are designated as Urban Area (Built-Up Area) in the new Niagara Region Official Plan.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Leah Letford, Communications Specialist | 905-980-6653 |
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