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The Town of Pelham has statutory committees, advisory committees and working groups that are designed to improve and shape the future of the community by providing advice and feedback on a variety of issues. 

Share your talents with the community through volunteering on one or more of the committees or working groups. Volunteering is a great way to get involved and bring your voice to the table on the matters that impact the community.  

Committee information for the 2022-2026 Term of Council will be posted to this webpage as it becomes available. Committees as listed below are subject to change and vacancies will be posted on the Careers page.

Members of the community are invited to attend committee meetings or working groups that are of interest. To request to attend a committee meeting please contact the staff member indicated below to receive details. 

See upcoming meetings and agendas on the council calendar.

Statutory Committee

The Committee of Adjustment (“CofA”) is a statutory tribunal under the provisions of the Planning Act, to hold public hearings for the purpose of making decisions with respect to applications for: Minor Variances to the Town’s Zoning By-law; Consents and Legal Non-Conforming Uses (enlargement/ extension/ similar use). The Committee operates independently from Council and its decisions may be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (“OLT”).

Committee of Adjustment Webpage

Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Brenda Stan, Colin McCann, Sue Sarko, Isaiah Banach, John Cappa

Staff Representative:

Sarah Leach, Deputy Clerk/ Secretary-Treasurer 
Jodi Legros, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 

Should you wish to appear before the Committee of Adjustment and speak to an application on the agenda, please contact Sarah Leach to pre-register no later than the Friday before the hearing. Alternatively, all hearings will be livestreamed. 

Sarah Leach, Deputy Clerk 


Committee of Adjustment Terms of Reference

This committee ensures that the municipality promotes and facilitates a barrier-free and universally accessible environment for citizens of all abilities. Members will ensure a timely review and development of municipal policies, programs and services with an aim toward identifying, removing and preventing barriers faced by persons with disabilities. Members will provide further advice and recommendations to Council on matters relating to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Dan Whipple, Rhys Evans

Staff Representative:

Holly Willford, Town Clerk

Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC) Terms of Reference

The Lincoln Pelham Union Library Board is responsible for the overall governance of the Library. The Board’s purpose is to set a strategic framework within which it can manage the provision of comprehensive and efficient public library services. The Board’s approach to undertaking this purpose will be in accordance with the Public Libraries Act and as further defined by the municipal By-laws / Resolutions, all applicable legislation and Board policies.

Pelham representatives for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Council representative: Shellee Niznik, Andrew Colgoni, Nicole Nolan, Jayme Toms, Linda Roote

Members of the public who would like to attend the virtual meetings can request the meeting link by sending an email to

Lincoln Pelham Union Public Library Board Terms of Reference

To fulfil the responsibilities of the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program provides financial assistance to eligible producers whose:

  • Livestock or poultry was killed or injured as a result of eligible wildlife predation (wildlife attack); and
  • Bee colonies, beehives or bee-hive-related equipment was damaged by eligible wildlife. 

Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Mike Tucker, Mayor Junkin

Livestock Valuer and Poundkeeper Terms of Reference

Advisory Committees

Meeting Date and Time: Fourth Tuesday of the Month (quarterly or as needed with the Budget Schedule) 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Bill Crumm, Michael Cottenden, Councillor Eckhardt, Councillor Olson, Councillor Wink

Staff Representative:
Andrea Metler, Administrative Assistant to Corporate Services

905-892-2607 x 348   

Pelham Finance and Audit Committee Terms of Reference 

Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Anthony Ferrara, Lynn Reynolds, Patrick O'Hara, Randy Gananathan, Tahlia (Ty) Bolibruck

Staff Representative:

Katie Kilbreath, Seniors and Community Services Programmer
905-892-2607 Ext. 301

To request login information and to attend a meeting please contact:

Natasha Gibson, Administrative Assistant Recreation Culture and Wellness
905-892-2607 Ext. 347 

Pelham Seniors Advisory Committee Terms of Reference 

Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Adam Carter, Brian Baty, Frank Adamson, Lori Lehne, Patrick O'Hara, Thom Hounsell, Adam Carter,  Councillor Eckhardt, Regional Councillor Huson 

Staff Representative:

Nicholas Palomba, Engineering Technologist


Erin McCormick, Administrative Assistant Public Works

Pelham Active Transportation Committee Terms of Reference

Per Council Amendment to the Terms of Reference on January 15, 2025, the meeting frequency of the Pelham Active Transporation Committee is amended to bi-monthly. Meeting agendas will continue to be posted in accordance with standard practice.

Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed:
Cecilia Brink, Rajbir Kaur, Stephanie Jones, Lori McClay, Tammy Van Den Brink, Yvonne Van Lankeld

Staff Representative:

Karen Blake, Culture and Community Enhancement Programmer

To request login information and to attend a meeting please contact:

Natasha Gibson, Administrative Assistant Recreation Culture and Wellness

Pelham Culture Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

The purpose of the Agricultural Advisory Committee (AAC) is to provide input and perspective on matters related to agriculture and agri-businesses that impact the Town of Pelham (the “Town”).

Meeting Date and Time: The fourth Wednesday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m (bi-monthly – 6 times a year) Additional meetings may be scheduled to deal with any urgent matters subject to the availability of Members and staff. 

Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Dan DeVries, Doug Wilson, John Langendoen, Joyce Sonneveld, Louis Damm, Sherry Rusin, Sandra Frayne

Staff Representative and to request login information to attend a meeting:

Lindsay Richardson, Policy Planner

Agricultural Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Per Council Amendment to the Terms of Reference on January 15, 2025, the meeting frequency of the Agricultural Advisory Committee is amended to quarterly. Meeting agendas will continue to be posted in accordance with standard practice.

The purpose of the Environmental and Climate Adaptation Advisory Committee (ECAAC), is to provide input and perspective on matters related to Environmental and Climate Change issues and potential adaptations that impact the Town of Pelham (the “Town”). 

Meeting Date and time: The fourth Wednesday of the month from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Additional meetings may be scheduled to deal with any urgent matters subject to the availability of Members and staff. 

Members for the four-year term ending November 14, 2026, or until their successors are appointed: Michael Hoch, Mike Jones, Jackie Oblak, Natalie Seniuk, Ryan Taylor and Jordan Wilton. 

Staff Representatives and contacts to request login information to attend a meeting:

Environmental and Climate Adaptation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Volunteer Working Group

The purpose of the Canada Day Working Group is to execute Canada Day celebrations in the Town of Pelham, which normally consists of one (1) focal event on July 1, in combination with smaller complementary activities, such as contests or other events.

The Canada Day Working Group assists Town Staff in planning, organizing and running the annual Canada Day celebration in Pelham, with respect to the following areas:

• Encourage a strong economic and tourism base;

• Promote and support local businesses;

• Promote civic and national pride;

• Promote active lifestyles by opening streets to pedestrian traffic and creating a public gathering place;

• Engage all sectors of the community, such as Service Clubs, businesses, agriculture, sports organizations, arts, cultural, etc., in developing and promoting the celebration; and

• Build volunteerism and community.

To request login information and to attend a meeting please contact:

Natasha Gibson, Administrative Assistant Recreation Culture and Wellness

Canada Day Working Group Terms of Reference

Additional information to follow.

View the Mayor's Youth Advisory Collective website.

The purpose of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Collective is to promote youth opportunities within the Town of Pelham and to address the needs of and enrich the quality of life, health and well-being of Pelham youth. The Group also provides a youth perspective and shares information with regional youth groups, schools and organizations.

The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Collective provides a communication link between the youth of Pelham and staff with respect to the following areas:

  • Identify and bring forward issues which will have an impact on Pelham’s youth;
  • Inform staff and other groups of important matters affecting youth;
  • Act as a positive advocate for youth;
  • Promote positive meaningful activities for youth in partnership with the community; and
  • Actively seek input from youth on important matters. 

Mayor's Youth Advisory Collective meets regularly on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4:15 p.m. from September through to June.  Meetings may be subject to change due to conflict with school or holiday schedules. 

Staff Representative:

Active Living Programmer

To request login information and to attend a meeting please contact:

Natasha Gibson, Administrative Assistant Recreation Culture and Wellness

Mayor's Youth Advisory Collective Terms of Reference

The purpose of the MCC Licensed User Working Group is to aid in coordinating and scheduling User Groups that have license agreements to operate in the Meridian Community Centre (“MCC”).

Staff Representative: 

Vickie vanRavenswaay, Director of Recreation, Culture and Wellness
905-892-2607 x 312 

To request login information and to attend a meeting please contact:

Natasha Gibson, Administrative Assistant Recreation Culture and Wellness

Meridian Community Centre (MCC) User Working Group Terms of Reference

Staff Representative:

Lauren Phillips, Special Events and Festivals Programmer

To request login information and to attend a meeting please contact:
Natasha Gibson, Administrative Assistant Recreation Culture and Wellness

Pelham Summerfest Working Group Terms of Reference

The purpose of the Utility Sustainability Working Group is to provide guidance and input to Town Staff with the goal of reducing utility costs and operating clean, efficient, and low-cost buildings and facilities Town of Pelham .

Staff Representative:

Jason Marr, Director of Public Works

To request login information and to attend a meeting please contact:

Sydney VanLeewen, Administrative Assistant Public Works

Utility Sustainability Working Group Terms of Reference

Committees are subject to change and vacancies will be posted on the Careers page.

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