Land Use & Zoning
Town of Pelham’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law 4481 (2022) contains detailed information on what kind of land use and physical structures are allowed on property in the Town of Pelham. The detail requirements include items such matters as the height of buildings, number of metres a building must be set back from the street, parking requirements, etc.
The Zoning By-law is legally enforceable. Land uses that do not meet the By-law requirements are not allowed without an amendment or variance to the By-law.
The Zoning By-law is the Town’s primary tool to regulate the use of land in the Town; it divides land into various zone categories (i.e. residential, commercial), and establishes what uses are permitted and where buildings can be located on a property. Lands located within the Niagara Escarpment Development Permit Control Area however are not subject to the requirements of the Zoning By-law and must comply with the development criteria of the Niagara Escarpment Plan.
The new Zoning By-law is a hybrid model using contextual zoning primarily in the greenfield areas of the Town and more conventional zoning in the built-up, rural and agricultural areas of the Town. This hybrid model will permit some flexibility, and better represents current development trends and diversity of uses in the Town.
The new Zoning By-law is passed save and except lands under Appeal on a site-specific basis of lands identified in Ontario Land Tribunal Order OLT-22-004738 dated April 3, 2023.
Residential Zones
Greenfield Development Zones
Commercial Zones
Rural / Agriculture Zones
Other Zones
Contact Us
Town of Pelham
20 Pelham Town Square
P.O. Box 400
Fonthill ON L0S 1E0
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