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Property Taxes

Your tax bill is your official receipt for income tax purposes.  If you require an additional copy, a fee will apply. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse the taxpayer from the responsibility for payment of taxes and penalty. 

General Tax Information

How MPAC assesses property

How your property tax is calculated

Information regarding your taxes, including due dates, is on your tax bill. Please read your tax bill carefully.

  • 1st Tax Due Date is normally the last working day of February
  • 2nd Tax Due Date is normally the last working day of April
  • 3rd Tax Due Date is normally the last working day of June
  • 4th Tax Due Date is normally the last working day of September

Penalties at the prevailing rate of interest, currently 1.25% per month, will be added to accounts on the first day of default as well as on the first day of each month thereafter.  Payments must be received by the Town by 4:30 p.m. on the due date.  Any payment received after this time are considered late and late fees will apply.

Post-dated cheques will be accepted and processed on the due date.  Please bring your tax bill and stub when making payments.

View a breakdown of how your tax dollars are spent. 

The Town of Pelham offers several convenient options for payment.

 View your tax account online  

Pre-authorized Payment

How can I pay my property tax bill?

  1. Through your financial institution (including online banking or telephone banking)
  2. Cheque payment (mail or drop box)
  3. Pre-authorized payment
  4. By credit card through Paymentus

Through Your Financial Institution

Payment of Town accounts can be made at any financial institution through on-line banking over the internet, telephone banking or paying in person at the branch. When paying through online or telephone banking,

When paying through online or telephone banking, please use the full 19-digit roll number, including the “0000” but excluding the decimal place. Please note that all payments must be made within 3 business days of the date due to ensure that the payment is received by the Town before late payment charges accrue. 

Cheque Payment

Do not send cash by mail or drop box.

Cheques should be made payable to the “Town of Pelham”. The account number should be written on the front of the cheque and bill payment stub attached to ensure payment is applied to your account. Cheques sent by mail are processed the date received. To ensure no late charges accrue, allow sufficient mailing time. Cheques can also be placed in an envelope in the drop box located at the lower entrance to Town Hall, adjacent to Peace Park. All mail will be collected from the box at 4:30 p.m. on the due date and any mail collected after that time will accrue late payment charges.

Pre-Authorized Payment

Pre-authorized automatic withdrawal payment plans offer an easy, hassle-free payment option. Payments are always made on-time, avoiding any late payment charges and residents do not have to wait in line to make payments. There are no administration fees or charges by the Town to join any of these plans. To enrol in a pre-authorized payment plan, please visit to review the terms and conditions and complete the application form.

Returned/Rejected Payments and Penalties

All returned/rejected payments will be charged a fee of $35. This includes NSF payments and stopped payments.  All payments made received after 4:30 p.m. on the date due will be subject to penalty at a rate of 1.25% monthly, charged on the first day of each month until paid.

If you require a receipt for tax purposes and are paying in person, please advise the cashier before you make payment. 

Assessment of land and buildings is carried out by the Provincial Government through their Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) located in Hamilton, Ontario.

If a property owner is not satisfied with the assessment they may fill out a Request for Reconsideration with MPAC by March 31 of the taxation year.

Property Assessment Questions?

Any questions regarding the assessment of your property should be directed to MPAC head office at 1-866-296-6722

During the year, buildings burn down or are demolished. Upon application by the owner to the Council of the Town of Pelham, an adjustment of taxes for the current year may be made.

If a commercial or industrial building is vacant or a suite or unit is vacant for at least 90 consecutive days, you may fill out a form for rebate.

Application forms for both of the above are available in the Finance Department and the last date for filing applications for any given year is February 28th of the following year.

Under Section 373(1) of the Municipal Tax Act, 2001, where any part of municipal real property taxes are outstanding on January 1st, after a two-year period, the Treasurer may prepare a Tax Arrears Certificate and register it against the title to the land in the appropriate Land Registry Office.

For example, any properties on which 2018 taxes remain unpaid at December 31, 2019 would be subject to registration on January 1st, 2020. 

Therefore, it is imperative that municipal taxes are kept up-to-date. 

The tax calculator, through the Niagara Region, estimates the amount of property tax you will pay and the distribution of your Regional taxes. 

The Town of Pelham administers your final tax bill and may differ from the number generated by the calculator.

To view the previous Town of Pelham annual tax rates, visit the page. 

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