Appendix A East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Demonstration Plans
Official Plan
The Town Official Plan was adopted by Council in April 2012 and approved in March 2014. Since the approval of the Official Plan, 18 amendments have been made to the Plan. As of April 2023, The Town is in the process of conducting an Official Plan review and update in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act that will lead to the preparation of a new Official Plan.
Stay connected to the project through the Picturing Pelham Official Plan review page.
The Official Plan is a municipality's blueprint for the future. It contains policies that guide municipal planning decisions and information on future expansion of the Town's network of roads, water mains, and sewers. The schedules (maps) show where residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and recreational development can go and what areas must be protected from development.
On April 2, 2012, the Town of Pelham adopted a new Official Plan (in accordance with Section 17(22) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., p13) by By-Law 3259 (2012).
On July 18, 2014, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) issued a written decision, Case No. PL121306, regarding the new Official Plan.
The decision approves the Official Plan, dated March 11, 2014, except for matters identified in Attachment 1 to the decision.
The deferred matters, that are pending future approval by the OMB, have been identified in the Official Plan with either grey or yellow highlighted text.
East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Demonstration Plans - Appendix A
East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Urban Design Guidelines - Appendix B
Appendix B East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Urban Design Guidelines
East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Natural Heritage Features Mapping - Appendix C
Appendix C East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Natural Heritage Features Mapping
East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Development Yield/Density Calculations - Appendix D
Appendix D East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Development Yield / Density Calculations
Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Area - Appendix E
Appendix E Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Area
Appendix F Definitions
Town of Pelham - Land Use - Schedule A
Schedule A Town of Pelham - Land Use
Fonthill Settlement Area - Schedule A1
Schedule A1 Fonthill Settlement Area
Fenwick Settlement Area - Schedule A2
Schedule A2 Fenwick Settlement Area
North West Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Schedule A3
Schedule A3 North West Fonthill Secondary Plan Area
East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Urban Structure Plan - Schedule A4
Schedule A4 East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Urban Structure Plan
East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Land Use Plan - Schedule A5
Schedusle A5 East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Land Use Plan
East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Transportation Plan - Schedule A6
Schedule A6 East Fonthill Secondary Plan Area - Transportation Plan
1120 Haist - Special Policy Area - Schedule A7
Schedule A7 1120 Haist - Special Policy Area
Town of Pelham - Environmental Features - Schedule B
Schedule B Town of Pelham - Environmental Features
Town of Pelham - Subwatershed and Subwatershed Features - Schedule B1
Schedule B1 Town of Pelham - Subwatershed and Subwatershed Features
Town of Pelham - Natural Resources - Schedule B2
Schedule B2 Town of Pelham - Natural Resources
Town of Pelham - Transportation Features - Schedule C
Schedule C Town of Pelham - Transportation Features
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Town of Pelham
20 Pelham Town Square
P.O. Box 400
Fonthill ON L0S 1E0
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