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Earth Week

Earth Week & Year Round "Going Green" Projects

Team Up to Clean Up is a year-round town-wide community cleanup program that includes programs like Adopt-a-road and pitch in week. These programs provide all the tools you need to run a cleanup including gloves, recycling bags and garbage bags. 

Green Workshops with light bulb and green leaf

The Town of Pelham gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Niagara Community Foundation (NCF), which is a public foundation serving the people of Niagara since 2000. NCF connects donors to causes, and communities to resources through permanent endowment funds, providing grants to eligible charitable organizations in culture, health, education, environment, recreation and social service sectors. NCF turns intention into impact.

February Workshop: The Study of Trees in the Urban Forest.

Learn insights from a certified arborist on how to safeguard your trees from invasive insects as well as other hazards. Learn how trees in private properties intertwine with the natural environment. Through care and commitment, residents can learn how to safeguard invaluable arboreal assets for future generations to cherish.

The workshop will be presented by certified arborist, Ivan Fredette who believes in maintaining the balance between humans and trees, ensuring our community thrives harmoniously with Nature.

Tuesday, February 13th from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:30pm)

Meridian Community Centre – Accursi Room | 100 Meridian Way, Fonthill ON

Free to attend. 

Registration is required. Please call 905-732-7871 or email to reserve your space.

March Workshop: Value of our Natural Heritage.

Participants in this workshop will learn about the value and interconnection of trees and wetlands. Benefits for residents that come from the natural environment will also be highlighted. This workshop is a must for all ages concerned with our natural heritage and climate change.

The workshop will be presented by Albert Garofalo, field biologist who has worked with many conservation authorities, the provincial government as a wetland evaluator, and Environment Canada researcher on ocean wetlands and continues his work as an instructor at Niagara College in Welland.

Tuesday, March 26th from 7 – 8:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:30pm)

Meridian Community Centre – Accursi Room | 100 Meridian Way, Fonthill ON

Free to attend. 

Registration is required. Please call 905-732-7871 or email to reserve your space.

Connect with the Seniors and Community Services Programmer if you are interested in providing a workshop or seminar with a green focus.

Katie Kilbreath

Seniors and Community Services Programmer


Applications are accepted year round. 

Earth week with a recycling symbol and green light bulb

The Community Eco-Expo will feature local environmental organizations. The community eco-expo provides residents the opportunity to learn about local environmental organizations and the importance of Earth Week initiatives. 

Date: Saturday, April 20, 2024

Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm

Where: Meridian Community Centre - 100 Meridian Way

 Rotary Club of Fonthill will be hosting a Pelham Tree Planting Initiative for Earth Day!
Apply for your tree here.

Interested in having a booth at the Eco-Expo? Call 905-732-7871 or email

When: Saturday, April 20, 2024

Where: Meridian Community Centre - 100 Meridian Way

When: 9:00am to 12:00pm

Round up the family and come down to the MCC on April 20th to pick up supplies! Register your clean up here.

The clean up begins at 9:00am, stop by for a coffee and clean up supplies, then return to the Meridian Community Centre for a free clean-up lunch crew thank-you! 

Please fill out our Post Clean-up Report! 

How you can Pitch-in anytime during Earth Week!

Pitch-in to support the Town wide community cleanup program. This program provides all the tools you need to run a cleanup including gloves, masks, recycling bags and specially marked garbage bags. 

The program helps keep public places in your neighbourhood clean and safe for everyone. You can host a cleanup event on Town property including:

  • Parks
  • Trails
  • Streets
  • Parking lots

Choose a location

Select an area where you've noticed a lot of litter. Here are some location ideas for your cleanup:

  • Neighbourhood streets
  • Vacant lots or parking lots (ensure you have the owners permission)
  • Parks, trails or play areas
  • We discourage cleanups near busy streets due to safety concerns. 

Before you begin:

  • Assess the area, look out for hazards and potential dangers
  • Be prepared, be safe, bring proper safety equipment and tools
  • Be sure to have enough supervisors in your group
  • Be prepared to sort items for garbage and recycling
  • Arrange disposal

During your clean up:

  • Supervise participants closely, do not let children go off alone
  • do not pick up dangerous items
  • watch for cars and be careful near roads
  • Don't carry heavy items alone
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds

Green light bulbs beside the text Green Ideas at Home

The Town of Pelham offers residents the option to receive their bi-monthly water and sewer billing by eBilling. Residents will receive an emailed copy of their bill along with any inserts in a digital format.  

Did you know that a faucet that drips one drop of water per second can waste nearly 34L of water a day?

You can stop dripping faucets by ensuring that they are turned off completely. If it is still dripping, a repair to stop the leak is recommended.

Have you checked your toilet for leaks?

Toilet leaks can account for 90 per cent of leaks in residential plumbing. To check for toilet leaks, remove the toilet tank cover and put in 5-10 drops of food colouring or a dye test tablet. Wait 15-30 minutes. If any colouring leaks into the toilet bowl then you have a leak that should be repaired.  

adopt a road program

The Town of Pelham Adopt-a-Road program is a public service program for volunteer organizations to pick up litter along certain 2 km stretches of Town roads, Parks, Trails or Gardens; agreements are for three years.

As volunteers of the Adopt-a-Road program, you appoint a liaison between your group and the Town, ensure safety guidelines and training are passed on to your group, and organize your group at least three times a year.

The Town provides safety vests, road work signs, trash bags, safety information, flags, traffic cones, and more to assist your group in your efforts.

Apply to adopt a road today

Information about Adopt-a-Road Program

Adoption Agreement

Training for Adopt-a-road Participants

Volunteer Training Sign Off Form

Parental Consent form

After your event, you must complete the follow up report. The report:

submit report
  • Confirms the cleanup was completed successfully.
  • Highlights the important cleanup work done by volunteers.
  • Provides additional information to Council regarding the effectiveness of the program. 

Adopt-a-road Participants
Fenwick United Church Glad Tiding Church Youth Group
Rotary Club of Fonthill Wellington Heights Public School
Church of Christ Hardscape Niagara
Pelham Community Church Stolk Construction
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Plumm Structural & Cladding Systems
St. Catharines Cycle Club Mayor's Youth Advisory Council
Wine Culture E.L. Crossley Secondary School
St. Ann Catholic Elementary School  

Rain barrel sale with three graphics of rain barrels

Rain Barrel pre-order is closed for this season and no longer available for purchase.

For additional information, please call 905-732-7871 or email Katie Kilbreath at 

  • Rainwater saves money! By using rainwater in your yard and garden, you can save money on your municipal water bill.
  • Rainwater is better for plants! Plants prefer rainwater. Rainwater is warmer and softer than tap water, and it hasn’t been treated with chlorine.
  • Rainwater is a resource! Rain barrels provide a ready supply of water during the hot, dry days of summer, reducing the stress on our waterways and groundwater reserves.

Rainwater harvesting is the ancient practice of capturing and using rainwater, and it’s making a comeback! About half of all household water usage in the summer goes to outdoor uses such as watering lawns and gardens. It makes sense, and saves money, if you use rainwater from a rain barrel instead of tap water wherever possible.

The use of rain barrels, installed at the bottom of a downspout, is the most common form of rainwater harvesting. The rain barrel collects rainwater that flows off your roof, storing it for later use. Rain barrels come in a variety of sizes and colours, and can be easily incorporated into your existing landscape.

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