Grant of $2,000 supports summer camp experience for youth
May 27, 2024
Pelham, ON – With $2,000 in support from the Niagara Community Foundation Summer Camp grant, 10 area youth can attend summer camp in Pelham this year.
The grant, awarded to the Town of Pelham to support the camp partnership with Pelham Cares, enables local children, who may not otherwise be able to participate due to financial constraints, the ability to have a summercamp experience. The funding directly supports Pelham area youth ages four to 12 to enable them to participate in one of the weeklong day camps that are offered, which includes dynamic camp programming, trips to local parks, splash pads and a field trip to area attractions.
"Summertime can be challenging for families that rely on Pelham Cares' support, especially with the demands of summer childcare. The grant will support the Pelham Cares youth subsidy that is regularly requested by families," explained Pelham Cares Inc. Vice President and Fundraising Chair Nancy Yungblut. “ With the support of the grant more youth are able to participate in the joy of camp."
The Niagara Community Foundation Summer Camp program supports Niagara children in financial need participate in various camping and recreation experiences. The grant funding allows youth to develop new skills while having fun at camp.
“The NCF Summer Camp program is a great example of how the legacy of our donors lives on, well past today,” says NCF Executive Director Bryan Rose. “Summer Camp not only has an impact on a kid’s life today, but these experiences will lay a foundation of memories that will serve them well into the future. It’s our privilege to support our charity partners with this great initiative.”
Established in 2000, the Niagara Community Foundation has raised over $82.3 million and granted over $27.5 million to charities in the arts, heritage, environment, social services, health, education, and community development sectors. NCF connects donors to cause and communities to resources, turning intent into impact.
“This funding will allow the Town to continue to offer a camp experience to children who may not otherwise be able to attend," explained Vickie vanRavenswaay, Town of Pelham Director of Recreation Culture and Wellness. "Access to the funding support provided by the NCF Summer Camp Grant is essential for the families and feedback from those who benefited has been extremely positive."
Pelham Cares provides subsidies to area youth through a program that enables participation in sports and recreational activities. The assistance is available to all client families registered with Pelham Cares who meet the program's eligibility requirements.
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For media inquiries, please contact:
Leah Letford, Communications Specialist | 905-980-6653 |
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