Fall Back and change your clocks and batteries on November 5, 2023
Don't forget that clocks "fall back" this weekend on November 5, 2023.
Reminder: When the clocks change, change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Residents can recycle their used batteries at the Pelham Fire Department Station #1 on Hwy 20 or at the Pelham Town Hall.
Did you know? The Pelham Fire Department offers courtesy home smoke and carbon monoxide detector checks. Contact 905-980-6646 to book a time.
Smoke alarms are required in each residential dwelling unit as follows: at least one outside the bedroom(s) and at least one on each level of your home - including split levels (2015 Ontario Fire Code, Division B Section 2.13).
Click here to learn more about smoke alarms and fire safety.
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Town of Pelham
20 Pelham Town Square
P.O. Box 400
Fonthill ON L0S 1E0
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