Council Highlights may be viewed on the council calendar here.
View the full agenda package for Council
The Town of Pelham regular council meeting was held on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the Pelham municipal building at 20 Pelham Town Hall. Video recording and live stream of the meeting can be viewed at
Development Charges in Pelham – Addendum #1
Council received a presentation from Byron Tan, Watson and Associates Economists Ltd. regarding Development Charges in Pelham. The presentation provided an update on the changes to the Background Study since the release of the original Background Study dated December 20, 2023, which was presented to Council during the public meeting held on February 21, 2024. Addendum #1 – Calculated D.C. Rates were reviewed within the presentation, and a rate comparison was provided. A survey of comparator municipalities and rates was also included. Council directed staff to prepare the D.C by-law for consideration at the December 4th meeting of council.
Streetlight Conversion
Council received a presentation from Alexis Lauzon of Real Term Energy regarding the project summary of the LED streetlight conversion in Pelham. The three phases of the project were reviewed and included a summary of savings estimated for annual electricity consumption, utility and maintenance costs. The hardware warranty is established for 10-years.
Ward Re-Division in Pelham
Council received Report #2024-0202 Town of Pelham Ward Redivision By-law and Next Steps, for information and directed the Town Clerk to prepare and present the Ward Boundary By-law for consideration at the next Regular Meeting of Council. Staff were also directed to provide notice on the Town’s website 10 days prior to consideration. Upon enactment of the by-law, Council directed the Clerk to notify the assessment corporation and the Chief Electoral Office of the newly re-divided ward boundaries within the Town of Pelham.
Town of Pelham Integrity Commissioner
Council received Report #2024-0254 regarding the extension of the Integrity Commissioner Term and approved and authorized the execution of the agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pelham and David G. Boghosian, Integrity Commissioner.
Bauer Landing
Council received Report #2024-265 Recommendation Report – Application for Zoning By-law amendment – Bauer Landing for File No. AM-07-2024 and directed Planning staff to prepare the by-law for approval of the Zoning By-law amendment for Council’s consideration.
Rooftop Solar Panel Installation at the Meridian Community Centre
Council received Report # 2024-0256 Investigation of Rooftop Solar Panel Installation at the Meridian Community Centre and directed staff to include the Meridian Community Centre (MCC) Rooftop Solar Panel Project of $423,278.98 as a red circled item pending successful feasibility and implementation grant applications, in the 2025 capital budget.
Cemetery User Fees
Council received Report #2024-0212 Cemetery User Fees and following a review of various scenarios and financial impact, adopted the increase to the Town of Pelham Cemetery User Fees for Plot Purchases and Interments by 25% for residents and 50% for non-residents for 2025.
Greening the Landscape Research Consortium
Council received Report 2024-0250 Proposed Membership in Greening the Landscape Research Consortium and directed staff to become members and collaborative partners within the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre’s Greening the Landscape Research Consortium. Council directed the $5,000 membership fee be funded through the Community Planning & Development Operating Budget for the next three years.
Meridian Community Centre Adjacent Lands
Council received Report 2024-0225 Meridian Community Centre (MCC) Adjacent Lands Implementation Plan. Town staff, as directed by Council on September 4, 2024, have hired a land surveyor and a local realtor to complete a survey, severance and partial sale of lands adjacent to the Meridian Community Centre. Council approved the red-circled project for implementation of the MCC parking lot project pending the sale of the south surplus property using a design-build approach. Council directed staff to include the red-circled project in the 2025 capital budget for constructing the new MCC parking lot on the north portion of the severed lands.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Leah Letford, Communications Specialist | 905-980-6653 |
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